Contact Us

  • We have various means so that the customers can contact us.
  • We understand the fact that you might have several queries and doubts in mind that you want to get cleared before buying medicines from us.
  • For this, we have a plethora of methods that you can contact us.
  • Our customers are encouraged to contact us as we always like to hear from them. You can give valuable feedback and or share your experiences too.

Means contacting us

Contact us directly and speak with our executives on the helpline number

  • You can directly call on our helpline number and speak with our executives over the phone.
  • We have a dedicated 24*7 helpline number that you can call anytime according to your convenience.
  • Our executives will be cooperative with you and ensure that all your queries and doubts are resolved.
  • At times we are sorry for the inconvenience caused due to a long waiting time over the phone but considering that there are thousands of clients this might be a possibility.
  • We always value your time and ensure the fastest way to route your phone call to a free executive.

Contacting us via email

  • Our email id is mentioned on our homepage.
  • We encourage you to write any of your experiences or your doubts to us.
  • We ensure that all emails are answered back to the customers as they might have some emergency to know certain information.
  • Any delay is highly regretted.
  • You can expect to get revert back from us within 24 hours.

Chat with our executives online using our online live chat facility

  • While buying online or while just browsing through the various medicine categories you might have a query that might have cropped up.
  • In such a case you can chat with our executives online using our live chat facility that is provided round the clock on our portal.
  • Get satisfying responses from our executives and make the buying process even more convenient and easier for yourself.

Inform when to call you

If you are busy then you can just mention your name and phone number and give us a specified date and time and we will call you.

Contacting us through social media

  • With social media on the trend, you can contact us over the various social media platforms that we have a presence on.
  • You can contact us or leave a message to us over Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp.
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